6. Live + Work

Autumn 2018
Instructor | Andrew Cruse

site diagram


Urban infill is accomplished through more than just multifamily complexes. Passive infill is underutilized and explored in this multi-tenant housing solution. This house is proposed for two tenants who work together, but do not live together.

The site is a residential corner that faces a public park. The place of business is pulled to the corner of the lot, allowing clients and colleagues access to the business without having to enter the home.
Placing a courtyard between the housing units and the business also allows the tenants to leave their work outside of their living units. The courtyard is made private with a wood screen wall enclosing it. This wall separates the yard from the public park across the street and the bustling residential street. Doing so allows a quiet private space in an urban setting.
model view of courtyard

model view of work entrance

model view of circulation

The language of the wood screen wall of the courtyard is continued on the facade. Glue laminated plywood is wrapped around the place of work and the housing units, almost tying them together.
Openings are created by twisting the planks of the facade, similar to venetian blinds, This twisted treatment creates built-in privacy and sun shading.

first floor plan

second floor plan

section perspective