1. SenseScape

Spring 2020
Instructors | Sandhya Kochar & Dow Kimbrell
Team | Brenna Bierman, Andrew King, and Zachary Slonsky

scalable to create a megastructure, this prototype can deploy in dense urban environments

at the scale of an apartment complex, this allows for more sectional zone blending opportunities


Sens(E)scape is a new typology that rejects the conditions of contention embedded within the quotidian urbanity, and proposes new urbanisms created through sensation. Adapting to infinite environments, the prototype can deploy itself anywhere, allowing exploration to an alternative.

It is not driven by spatial optimization, but rather sensation. We propose a new type to exist in opposition to efficiency. It is a model where form follows feelings. These feelings are generated through the hybridization of zones.
The edges between zones actively
mediate the transition between opposing sensations. It is at these transitions that the conventions of segregated spaces, which are packaged as spectacles, can begin to break down and reconfigure.

Sensation zones slice, shear, swap, and superimpose onto one another, producing liminal spaces that exhibit unique characters independent of their contributors. The result is a socially driven dreamscape, where materials, forms, and gadgets playfully juxtapose to generate new phenomena and programs.

an easily deployable assortment of elements at the scale of a pavilion or installation

this protypical configuration allows for sensescaping across an ever expanding footprint; a new version of sprawl

The new typology is rejecting the conditions of contention embedded within the quotidian urbanity, reappropriating the characteristics of urbanity for the sake of sensation-making, driving the fundamental operation of the project.

Upon arrival, the individual’s labor-to-live headspace, a byproduct of the existing economic model, undergoes a radical
transformation to a live-to-leisure headspace, reinforcing the new typology’s experimental model of social play and its new behaviors.

The previous model only allowed for survival. This model allows you to live.

From Ancient Roman Baths, Islamic Hammams, to late 20th Century Queer Bathhouse Culture, the pool is a elemental device used to instigate social rituals and situations, slow time, and alter temperatures.

Through the aggregation of these bulbous forms, piles control the circulation across Senscape, mediating sectional differences and scalar shifts. Additionally, piles create local zones themselves.

Functioning as theatrical, vertically-oriented interiors and backdrops, curtains encourage loose boundaries, create kinetic poché, and dampen sounds.

These monolithic outgrowths distinguish and define zones, cooling the inhabitants below. Depending upon their orientation, domes produce both moments of interiority and outward facing performance

infinite tower created through stacking or piling of elements; our take at a megastructure

see link above to see final presentation
